Valamit megérteni annyi, mint eredeti helyére visszatenni; megérteni éppen ezért csak metafizikailag lehet. Metafizikailag azért, mert a dolgok eredeti helye meta ta phüszika, az anyagi természeten túl van. A jóga metafizikai megértésének első lépcsője az, hogy: a jóga az emberi Én kultusza. Kultusza pedig úgy, hogy a jóga az embert metafizikailag megérti, vagyis eredeti helyére, az anyagi természeten túl, ősállapotába visszahelyezi. Minden kultusz annyi, hogy a dolgokat teljes valóságukban kifejti, a bennük levő lappangó lehetőséget kiemeli; művelni annyi, mint gazdaggá és virágzóvá, széppé és igazivá tenni, vagyis visszavinni abba a körbe, amelyben eredetileg voltak. Az ember művelése is az, hogy az embert eredeti helyén, egész szépségében, gazdagságában, igazságában újra megvalósítsa. Ez a művelés a jóga. A jógában találkozik a szakrális művelő: az ember, a szakrális művelővel: az emberrel.
11 + 11 = 22
It has been almost exactly eleven years ago that I last posted here something that I still feel like making public.
A lot has happened since then - obviously.
11 years and one month later I defended my dissertation on June 16th 2022. Which I wrote about Jews and dissidents and Jewish dissidents in Hungary during "communism", and the question what makes an act resistance.
Yesterday I watched this really strange Hungarian astrologists guys channel - OMG, he is soooo straaaaange! But somehow, he always says things that kind of resonate. And recently he even employs humor. He has this guitar with two necks, and every month he has this forecast for the following month. The presentation is centered around the position of the stars, with the sun in the center, and the interpretation he does is called astrosophy, I guess because he is "ranslating" the meaning of how the planets and stars are located inr relation to each other. Anyhow, I only watched the first half an hour, it was too intense. He first started to talk about how this month is about traveling. This month started on May 29th and I watched it on June 21st, so a few weeks later - and I did actually travel - to Israel! So it was a bit scary, because I retrospectively saw his forecast, that this month will be about traveling (and it was!), and he was also talking a lot about gaining knowledge through situations or impulses, and to write a diary of things that somehow touch you, as you swing by things and people on the street. I love this expression, by the way, swing by. So elegant and chic, but kewl.
So I wanna start practicing this writing a diary of things that touch me, every day. He said that he has ca. 7 things a day - and I need to watch it again to remember, but I think in the evening he looks at it, and tries to make sense of it. These might be too personal, though, so I guess I will see if I will share them here directly - or if I will transform them in some form.
OMG, this astrosophist guy really needs a haircut. Sooo Hungarian!Am I being "racist"?!
So today I participated online on a GAGA PEOPLE dance. I can totally recommend it to anyone! Of course it is best if you have at least been live once, but I think it can work even if not. There were over 300 people across the world dancing together for an hour, in all kind of settings: couples at tiny apartments, three dancers girls in a studio, an elderly lady in front of a closet, a woman in front of her house in the garden, young women in pijama, all kind of people. It's just fun - both doing it and doing it while you look at people, plus the instructor was - of course - this really cute Israeli guy, who said things like: "let's find the beginning of our smile, and let's transmit the smile to our belly" - and literally, we had to come close to the camera and smile - or do the beginning of the smile - but how can you just do the beginning of a smile? Where does a smile begin?
Today I talked to a woman in the call center, who had her birthdate on the same day as me (was just a year elder). End of story.
I talked to a good friend today, who made me realize that I see the world through my own colored glasses, and that my interpretation of other people's actions and reactions (or on the contrary, their passivity in some sense) could be understood in different (more positive) ways. This friend cheered me up and I am grateful for her.
I went to pedicure today. The pedicurist is this blond woman who just stepped out of a Fellini movie, who was actually kindof a pleasant company. At one point we sang a song together that was on the radio: Bori Péterfy - and the Love Band "Hajolj bele a hajamba" - in a rough translation "Put your face into my hair"
Today I wrote down in my diary / planner that I feel grateful to someone, who actually also makes me suffer a lot, but in the end I feel like this process is useful for me. I can see the constructive element.
I decided that I will try new dances!
CONCLUSION - I will watch the astrosophist guy - maybe - and prepare for tomorrow morning yoga class, which I do for a friend - and myself - very chill, just one hour in the morning, quite early with 10 minutes pranayama in the end.